Category Archives: Healthcare

Stroke survivor Gregory Symko, D.C., demonstrates a tool that helps patients improve their balance and coordination.

A personal approach to stroke treatment

Gregory Symko, D.C., is a chiropractor who specializes in helping people with brain issues related to stroke. He helps them improve their hand-eye coordination and balance issues, working with theirRead More

Woman walking through the woods

Lyme disease: What you need to know

What is Lyme disease? Lyme disease is a bacterial infection caused by Borrelia burgdorferi that is transmitted through the bite of an infected blacklegged tick, also called a deer tick.Read More

Ragweed plant

What triggers seasonal allergies?

Ah, spring. It’s the time of year when the cold starts to wane, and trees and flowers blossom. But if you’re one of the many people who suffer from seasonalRead More

Paper cutout of people holding hands

What is community immunity?

In 2000, measles had all but stopped spreading in the U.S. That’s because vaccination rates were high enough to keep people from getting the disease. When enough of the communityRead More

The back of a child, covered in red spots

Measles: What you need to know

Measles is a highly contagious disease, meaning it spreads easily. The trademark symptom is a blotchy, red rash. Measles is so contagious that if one person has it, up toRead More

Head shot of O’Donnell

Putting health first

Emmy award-winning journalist Norah O’Donnell has spent decades reporting on major events on national TV networks. The “CBS This Morning” anchor and soon-to-be “CBS Evening News” anchor also wears anotherRead More