Last updated on September 12th, 2024 at 08:40 am
Dr. Tara Haskins oversees partnerships to support AgriSafe’s Total Farmer Health initiative. She is also responsible for AgriSafe’s mental health programming. Tara contributes to curriculum design and implements new Total Farmer Health trainings that optimize and expand upon existing programs. She collaborates with organizations and government agencies that are interested in using the Total Farmer Health model as a public health framework.
Tara has worked in healthcare as a registered nurse for 34 years. Besides over twenty years of medical surgical and critical care bedside nursing, Tara has clinical experience in crisis intervention and opioid and alcohol outpatient treatment. Tara previously held a nursing professor position serving as lead faculty in musculoskeletal and psychiatric mental health nursing content.
She served as a consultant for a rural school-based telehealth program in North Louisiana. Tara is a National Rural Health Association Fellow, AgriSafe Nurse Scholar, and an Edmond J. Safra Nurse Scholar from the Parkinson Foundation. She belongs to American Nurses Association, Louisiana State Nurses Association, Rural Nurses Organization, National Rural Health Association, and the American Holistic Nurses Association.
Dr. Haskins holds a Master’s of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing from the University of Texas at Arlington in the Nurse Practitioner track with a concentration on substance use disorders and treatment. She also completed a Nurse Educator certificate while at UTA. Her doctorate is from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center Memphis in Nursing Forensics, focusing on the intersections of injury, psychological trauma and legal issues in individual and population health.
Peer Reviewed Publications:
Blake, D., Roberson, S., & Haskins, T. (October 2020) “Promoting stigma self-awareness in nursing students through brief unconventional clinical experiences”. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 15(4), 268-271.
Barney, D., Haskins, T., Paudel, B. (2019). Rural health policy: Rural disaster preparedness. Rural Health Policy Institute, National Rural Health Association, Washington, DC.
Hood, D., Haskins, T. & Roberson, S. (April 2018). “Stepping Into Their Shoes” The Ostomy Experience. J of Nurs Educa. 57(4), 233- 236.
Haskins, T, & Snow, D. (2007). Research Reviews: Tobacco Prevention and Cessation interventions
in Diverse Populations, Journal of Addictions Nursing. 18(2), 105-107.