Webinar: Talking About Ticks- Lyme Disease
Summary: As people spend more time outdoors, so do many insects and pests. Among them are ticks, which are small bloodsucking insects. The deer tick (also known as the black-leggedRead More
Summary: As people spend more time outdoors, so do many insects and pests. Among them are ticks, which are small bloodsucking insects. The deer tick (also known as the black-leggedRead More
Summary: Agriculture is ranked as one of the most dangerous occupations and involves workers and families of all ages, but injuries can be prevented if we use the right protectiveRead More
Summary: COVID-19, Influenza, and RSV are all viruses spread by droplets and direct contact with infected people. Each virus has its specific causes, symptoms, severity, and vaccines for prevention. TheRead More
Summary: As people spend more time outdoors, so do many insects and pests. Among them are ticks, which are small bloodsucking arachnids. The deer tick (also known as the black-leggedRead More
Summary: In the wake of the global impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and the ensuing coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19), the urgency to safeguard agricultural employees fromRead More
Summary: In the San Luis Valley, Colorado – community leaders have voiced increasing concern for the behavioral health of workers in the agriculture industry. Using Total Worker Health® and TotalRead More
Summary: This webinar will address non-allergic respiratory hazards (dusts, mists, fumes, and gases) affecting agricultural worker, farmers, and farm families living and working in agricultural environments. The focus will beRead More
Summary: We will review needlestick injuries in animal agriculture. This includes type of injuries and associated costs. This includes a review of veterinary medicines associated with needlesticks and best practicesRead More
Summary: Hazardous materials lurk around many corners of farm shops, buildings, and barns. The health impacts of organic and inorganic exposures can be mild to devastating. Be prepared and beRead More
Summary: In this webinar, participants will gain insights into the critical role of sleep and its function in maintaining physical, mental, and emotional health. The presentation will review the impactRead More
Summary: Skid loaders are useful and versatile machines in the hands of appropriate operators. To utilize them to their utmost, we must understand there is inherent risk in the operation ofRead More
Summary: A collision between agriculture equipment and a passenger vehicles on a roadway often result in serious injury or fatalities. Ag equipment is much larger and heavier than personal vehicles. Read More