brochures Fact sheet, handout, brochure or other general informative content Can be used by or shared with producers and ag workers. Typically a printable document.

document resource Guidelines or a checklist For a specific event such as a natural disaster or to guide decision-making for a healthcare practitioner.

podcast episode resource Podcast episode

generic image Poster Print these for your workplace.

stack of papers Research

toolkit Social Media Toolkit

video resource Video/Webinar

internet resource Website

AgriSafe Think Tank: Racism and Agricultural Health
12478AgriSafe Think Tank: Racism and Agricultural Health

This Think Tank Webinar will address racism as a public health crisis and its impact on the agricultural workforce. Your help is needed to identify, disrupt and dismantle racism to protect the well being of agricultural producers of Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) ethnicities. AgriSafe is committed to fostering dialogue across the nation that results in a racially equitable response to this crisis. Join us for this Think Tank where together we will define the problem and discover solutions to reduce health disparities that are amplified by racism.

AgriSafe Yoga
12761AgriSafe Yoga

Yoga for strengthening and flexibility – examples given in farm settings.
English Title: Yoga Poster

, , musculoskeletal spanish-language women
Amenaza para la salud en la granja por inundaciones
12776Amenaza para la salud en la granja por inundaciones

A Spanish language guide to help farmers protect themselves from warm weather farm flood health threats.
English Title: Farm Flood Health Threats – Warm Weather

, natural-disasters spanish-language
Amenazas para la salud en caso de incendios
12780Amenazas para la salud en caso de incendios

A Spanish language guide on protecting yourself against wildfire health threats.
English Title: Wildfire Health Threats

, natural-disasters spanish-language
Amenazas para la salud por inundaciones en la granja: Factores de riesgo durante la recuperación en invierno
12784Amenazas para la salud por inundaciones en la granja: Factores de riesgo durante la recuperación en invierno

A Spanish language guide to help farmers protect themselves during winter floods.
English Title: Farm Flood Health Threats – Cold Weather

, natural-disasters spanish-language
BIPOC Mental Health Month Toolkit
12114BIPOC Mental Health Month Toolkit

Mental Health America (MHA) develops a public education campaign dedicated to addressing the mental health needs of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC).
Spanish Title: El mes de la salud mental de las personas BIPOC

, deia mental-health
Black Producers in the United States: Ag Health and Safety Issues
13825Black Producers in the United States: Ag Health and Safety Issues

This presentation was given in Spring 2022 to AgriSafe staff on the agricultural health and safety issues impact Black producers in the United States. View now to see what we learned!

, , deia finances mental-health
Bonus Episode: Women for the Land from American Farmland Trust
14031Bonus Episode: Women for the Land from American Farmland Trust

episode of Talking Total Farmer Health

, deia women
Consejos de Seguridad para Agricultores sobre Gas Amoniaco (NH3)
12787Consejos de Seguridad para Agricultores sobre Gas Amoniaco (NH3)

Spanish language guide on how to use Anhydrous Ammonia safely when doing farm work.
English Title: Anhydrous Ammonia Safety Tips for Farmworkers

, , ppe pesticide-and-chemical-safety spanish-language
Consejos y trucos para dormir mejor
10569Consejos y trucos para dormir mejor

30 tips in Spanish for getting better sleep at night.

English Title: Tips and Tricks for Better Sleep

, , sleep spanish-language veterans
Culture is Our Wellness (La Cultura Cura)
13338Culture is Our Wellness (La Cultura Cura)

This webinar introduces the practice of Curanderismo as an ethno-indigenous form of health and healing originating in Mesoamerica and practiced among many Latinx communities. The presenters will discuss their work with traditional medicine and present the specializations of Curanderismo, which can be used by people of all cultural backgrounds and various health providers with their patients. The presenters will begin with a brief opening ceremony, provide their personal narratives of traditional healing, a historical grounding of Curanderismo, present the specializations of the traditional medicine, and discuss current efforts to integrate traditional and allopathic medicine.

, deia mental-health
Diferencia Entre La Prueba De Ajuste Y La Comprobación Del Sello Del Usuario
8705Diferencia Entre La Prueba De Ajuste Y La Comprobación Del Sello Del Usuario

The purpose of this Spanish language guide is to help individuals better understand the difference between a Fit Test and a User Seal Check.
English Title: Knowing the Difference: Fit Test vs User Seal Check

, , ppe respiratory-health spanish-language
Directrices provisionales para proteger a los trabajadores contra el lodo y las aguas residuales de las actividades ganaderas y avícolas, durante y después de las inundaciones
9539Directrices provisionales para proteger a los trabajadores contra el lodo y las aguas residuales de las actividades ganaderas y avícolas, durante y después de las inundaciones

The purpose of this Spanish language guidance is to protect workers from illnesses and injuries associated with livestock and poultry wastewater and sludge from animal feeding operations during and after floods.
English Title: Interim Guidance for Protecting Workers from Livestock and Poultry Wastewater and Sludge During and After Floods

, , natural-disasters spanish-language zoonotics
El mes de la salud mental de las personas BIPOC
12116El mes de la salud mental de las personas BIPOC

Mental Health America (MHA) develops a public education campaign dedicated to addressing the mental health needs of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC).
English Title: BIPOC Mental Health Toolkit

, , deia mental-health spanish-language
Enfermedades producidas por el calor
12755Enfermedades producidas por el calor

This is a Spanish language AgriSafe resource guide on how to identify and prevent Heat Related Illnesses.
English Title: Heat Related Illness

, heat-related-illness spanish-language
11425Guía Para La Selección De Respirador Agrícola

A guide on selecting the right respirator for the right job.
English Title: Agricultural Respirator Selection Guide

, , ppe respiratory-health spanish-language
Idioma de las Personas Primero
8894Idioma de las Personas Primero

Person first language is a way of speaking that is emphasizes a person’s wholeness, while maintaining respect for an illness, condition, or experience. This is a Spanish language guide on how to use person first language in reference to mental health.
English Title: Person First Language

, mental-health spanish-language
Implementing Community-Led Interventions with Gulf Coast Seafood Workers
12505Implementing Community-Led Interventions with Gulf Coast Seafood Workers

The University of Texas Medical Branch conducted semi-structured interviews and observations with Gulf Coast shrimp fishermen to understand their healthcare experiences and needs as well as policies that are impacting their health. Community-based participatory research (CBPR), a relational model that values the participants as equal partners in research, dissemination, and implementation, guided the interviews. To address the lack of healthcare options for (im)migrants, and at the request of the seafood workers participating in the ongoing CBPR study, we successfully implemented and treated workers through a free mobile clinic. Many of these individuals had not been seen by a healthcare provider in years, highlighting the importance of community trust and rapport building when addressing interconnected health and safety issues. CBPR, when applied to high-risk occupational settings with underreached populations (e.g., (im)migrant workers), can improve health and prevent injury.

, deia fishing
Listos para trabajar
9366Listos para trabajar

Poses to improve muscle strength and flexibility – examples given in farm settings.
English Title: Ready to Farm

, , musculoskeletal spanish-language women
Material necesario en caso de inundación
12768Material necesario en caso de inundación

Spanish language social media graphics for flood risks.
English Title: Flood Resources Toolkit

, natural-disasters spanish-language
Pilates AgriSafe
12758Pilates AgriSafe

Pilates for strengthening and flexibility – examples given in farm settings.
English Title: Pilates Poster

, , musculoskeletal spanish-language women
Protéjase del humo de incendios forestales
9391Protéjase del humo de incendios forestales

Learn steps to get informed about wildfires and protect yourself.
English Title: Breathe Easy: Protect Yourself from Wildland Fire Smoke

, natural-disasters spanish-language
Racism and Agricultural Health: White Paper
11701Racism and Agricultural Health: White Paper

This white paper is a combined effort of AgriSafe Network staff, and the AgriSafe Board of Directors as an immediate action following AgriSafe’s Statement on Racism, Diversity and Inclusion.

Recomendaciones para prevenir lesiones en la espalda
12771Recomendaciones para prevenir lesiones en la espalda

This is a Spanish language guide produced by the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS) on back injury prevention tips for workers in agriculture.
English Title: Back Injury Prevention Tips

, musculoskeletal spanish-language
Riesgos de la salud reproductiva femenina en la agricultura
8421Riesgos de la salud reproductiva femenina en la agricultura

A Spanish language guide designed to help women protect their reproductive health when working in agriculture.
English Title: Reproductive Health Exposures for Women in Agriculture

, spanish-language women
Salud Mental y el Impacto en el Bienestar de las Familias de Agricultores
8673Salud Mental y el Impacto en el Bienestar de las Familias de Agricultores

A Spanish language resource to be shared with everyone involved in agriculture focusing on mental health.
English Title: Mental Health and Its Impact on Farm Families

, mental-health spanish-language
Sea responsable con su salud
12752Sea responsable con su salud

This Spanish language fact sheet is designed to highlight the unique risk factors for women working in agriculture. Practical solutions are offered to assist farm women in maintaining a healthy and productive farming future.
English Title: Take Charge of Your Health – Women Working in Agriculture

, spanish-language women
Soluciones Simples: Ergonomía Para Trabajadores Agrícolas
9375Soluciones Simples: Ergonomía Para Trabajadores Agrícolas

This Spanish language guide shows simple changes agricultural workers can make to improve ergonomics.
English Title: Simple Solutions: Ergonomics for Farm Workers

, musculoskeletal spanish-language
17088Strategies to Increase Access to Mental Health Services in Farm Worker Communities in Post-COVID Era Request This Training , , , , covid-19 deia farmworkers mental-health women
Tempora de cambios | Usted se Queda: Kit de herramientas profesionales para el estrés estacional
10566Tempora de cambios | Usted se Queda: Kit de herramientas profesionales para el estrés estacional

This Spanish language Mental Health Resources social media toolkit serves the following goals: (1) create a cohesive, clear, understandable message promoting mental health topics and resources for AFF workers during the various seasons (2) increase engagement on farm safety and health social media platforms (3) disseminate resources about mental health for AFF workers.
English Title: Seasons Change | You Remain: Promotional Toolkit for Seasonal Stress

, mental-health spanish-language
The National AgrAbility Project
13305The National AgrAbility Project

episode of Talking Total Farmer Health

, , , deia equipment-safety mental-health musculoskeletal
Una Guía para la Selección de Herramientas de Mano No-Energizadas
9373Una Guía para la Selección de Herramientas de Mano No-Energizadas

CDC resource guide in Spanish on non-powered hand tools.

English Title: A Guide to Selecting Non-Powered Hand Tools

, musculoskeletal spanish-language
Women in Ag
14094Women in Ag

episode of Talking Total Farmer Health

, deia women