NFSHW24: Training Future Generations of Farmers through Registered Apprenticeship


Summary: The agriculture industry faces a shortage of skilled farmers with many experienced farmers nearing retirement age. We will highlight how farmers can utilize Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs) to train the next generation of farmers, combining classroom and online learning with hands-on experience on working farms.  Intended Audience:  Business owners, HR staff, Ag educators, workforceRead More

NFSHW24: Three-Step Process to Farm Succession Planning


Summary: Research shows that working with other family members and succession planning are top stressors for farmers. This presentation will provide an overview of common barriers to planning for the next generation of owners/managers for family-owned farms. It will discuss recent research on what service professionals need from the owners to better serve their successionRead More

NFSHW24: Conversations on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) Training


Summary: CALM (Conversations on Access to Lethal Means) is a suicide prevention training that encourages safe storage of lethal means (firearms and medications) during a suicidal crisis. By temporarily putting time and distance between a suicidal person and highly lethal means, a life may be saved. CALM: Counseling on Access to Lethal Means was originally created asRead More

NFSHW24: Noise: Bad for My Ears and Heart, Too? 


Summary: A growing number of studies show that noise increases the risk for broad-ranging physiological and psychological illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, depression, behavioral problems, and cognition (among others). This session will provide participants with state-of-the-science information regarding the effects of occupational and environmental noise on health. A variety of methods to protect adults andRead More

NFSHW24: Sharing the Road: Agricultural Equipment and the Driving Public


Summary: A collision between agriculture equipment and a passenger vehicles on a roadway often result in serious injury or fatalities. Ag equipment is much larger and heavier than personal vehicles.  As agriculture changes, even in rural areas, there are fewer residents that are familiar with ag equipment and may not have an understanding how theRead More

NFSHW23: Protecting Your Brain from Stress


Summary: It’s no surprise that farmers’ behavioral health is positively correlated with crop production and healthy animals. But what happens when markets swing, there’s a drought, feed prices go sky-high, and you can’t find good employees? Stress. It’s the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. Stress creates chemical reactions inRead More

NFSHW23: Conversations on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) Training


Summary: CALM (Conversations on Access to Lethal Means) is a suicide prevention training that encourages safe storage of lethal means (firearms and medications) during a suicidal crisis. By temporarily putting time and distance between a suicidal person and highly lethal means, a life may be saved. CALM: Counseling on Access to Lethal Means was originally createdRead More

NFSHW23: Saving Lives in Grain: Research and Strategies for Grain Entrapment Prevention and Response


Summary: In this informative presentation, we will explore the world of grain safety, shedding light on various types of incidents and the alarming statistics surrounding them. We will delve into the immense pressure exerted by grain, a contributing factor to the severity of injuries and tragic fatalities. Moreover, we will examine the distinction between youthRead More

NFSHW23: Confined Spaces on Dairy Farms


Summary: Confined spaces such as tanks and storage bins are recognized workplace hazards on agricultural production settings. Manure storage facilities are often not recognized as confined spaces, especially on dairy farms. These facilities meet the definition of a confined space as they can expose workers to toxic gases and other hazards. The purpose of thisRead More

NFSHW23: Strategies to Increase Access to Mental Health Services in Farm Worker Communities in Post-COVID Era


Summary: Farm workers experience high rates of mental health and substance use problems due to numerous risk factors. Barriers for mental health services prevent most farm workers from accessing culturally appropriate care. COVID highlighted the increased need for mental health support and services in farm worker populations.  Farm Workers experienced additional stress and did notRead More

NFSHW23: Cardiovascular Health in Farm Workers with a Concentration on Females


Summary: More than 100 million  US adults have high blood pressure, often called the “silent killer.”  Half of those individuals affected do not know that they have it.  Men and Women of all ages are affected, and it can cause serious heart problems. In women, the number one cause of death in the US isRead More