
This Grain Safety program is intended for workers and managers in the grain industry including grain elevators, farm operators and workers, grain haulers, and agriculture business owners. The major focus of the program is on safety in confined space work areas including entry, respiratory protection, and prevention of Grain Dust explosions.
At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will:
  1. Describe several recent dust explosions and the dust deflagration process
  2. Identify the basic considerations used in a facility hazard analysis for dust
  3. Describe the prevention and mitigation techniques used in control of the combustible dust hazard
  4. Describe Minimum Explosive Concentration (MEC)
  5. Identify combustible particulate solids
  6. Identify training needed for employees
  7. Identify housekeeping techniques to prevent an grain dust explosion
  8. Understand employees’ rights and responsibilities
  9. Describe the OSHA Agricultural exemption
Categories: TEST