Increasing the Use of Hearing Protection Among Farmers: Best Practices

Farm operators, as well as farm youth, experience frequent exposure to high noise and have among the highest rates of hearing loss among all categories of workers. Additionally, noise exposure impacts multiple organ systems, contributing to cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, and other highly prevalent diseases. Although the effects of noise can be mitigated through useRead More

Veteran Farmers: Reducing Noise Exposure & Protecting Your Health

Ag producers experience frequent exposure to high noise and have among the highest prevalence rates of hearing loss among all categories of workers. Additionally, noise exposure impacts multiple organ systems, contributing to cardiovascular disease, hypertension, obesity, and other highly prevalent diseases. Although the effects of noise can be mitigated through use of hearing protection andRead More

NFSHW24: Noise: Bad for My Ears and Heart, Too? 


Summary: A growing number of studies show that noise increases the risk for broad-ranging physiological and psychological illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, depression, behavioral problems, and cognition (among others). This session will provide participants with state-of-the-science information regarding the effects of occupational and environmental noise on health. A variety of methods to protect adults andRead More