AgriSafe Digital Badges

You earned an AgriSafe digital badge, now what?  

Your digital badge should be displayed and celebrated. It is time to share your accomplishment and let your networks know about your dedication to serving agricultural communities!

Here are some ways you can share a digital badge:

  1. Share your digital badge electronically with others via email or social media networks. 
  2. You can manage and share your badge from your secure BadgeCert Portfolio. You can also add your badge directly to your LinkedIn profile through your BadgeCert Portfolio. Simply login to, and enter your email address and password. 
  3. Display your badge on your resume, email signature line, job board or anywhere across the web.Here is an example of a signature line with digital badges displayed (click on the badges to see more information about what they mean):

If you need assistance accessing your digital badge, submit a help ticket here and a member of our technical assistance team will reach out to you.