Category Archives: Anxiety

Person in the dark with anxiety

5 types of common anxiety disorders

Introduction Anxiety affects millions of people in the U.S. More than 25 million to be exact. But not all kinds of anxiety or anxiety disorders are the same. The typesRead More

One person stacking their hands on some elses to show support

How to help someone with anxiety

Wondering how you can help a friend, family member, or co-worker who is overwhelmed by anxiety? We spoke to David Sommers, Ph.D., of NIH’s National Institute of Mental Health forRead More

William Parham, Ph.D. (center) with Keyon Dooling and Garrett Temple.

New NBPA program focuses on mental health

William Parham, Ph.D., was recently named the National Basketball Players Association’s (NBPA) first director of mental health and wellness. He is leading an effort to provide players more access toRead More

Person looking down with spiralling thoughts

Anxiety: What you need to know

Most of us experience anxiety at some point in our lives. You might feel anxious when taking a test, crossing a busy street, or making an important life decision. ButRead More

Patient on couch and doctor holding clipboard

What’s new in anxiety research?

Daniel Pine, M.D., studies how differences in our brains can affect our mental health. Through their work at the National Institute of Mental Health, Dr. Pine and his team want toRead More