Last updated on July 18th, 2024 at 01:23 pm

Farmers and farm families have experienced increasing pressure resulting in high levels of stress, mental health issues, and suicide. The Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) training teaches laypeople and professionals to recognize and respond to mental health crises. QPR for Farmers and Farm Families is specially tailored to the agricultural community.

In this 1.5 hour QPR training, you will explore:

  • How the unique challenges farmers face can lead to stress, depression, and suicide.
  • Examples of how to implement each QPR component.
  • Strategies for helping someone at risk of suicide.

Listen to how QPR can make a difference:

Sign up for one of our virtual QPR Trainings!

QPR Instructors

Learn from our Certified QPR Gatekeeper Instructors:

Olivia Bury headshot.

Olivia Bury, MA, PLPC

Tara Haskins headshot.

Tara Haskins, DNP, MSN, RN, AHN-BC

Linda Emanuel headshot.

Linda Emanuel, BSN, RN

Charlotte Halverson headshot.

Charlotte Halverson, BSN, RN, COHN-S

Carey Portell

Laura Siegel, MA

Allison Maloney headshot.

Alison Malone, PhD, RN

Hannah Guinn

Chad Reznicek headshot.

Chad Reznicek, MA, LPC

Karen Rehm

Monica Hays

Cene Cleaton headshot.

Cene Cleaton

Project Sponsors

Farm Credit logo


  • Increase your confidence when talking to someone in crisis.

  • Become familiar with national and local resources.

  • Recognize suicide warning signs.

  • Decrease stigma in your community.

  • Instill hope in others.

  • Receive a certificate as a QPR Gatekeeper.

The QPR for Farmers and Farm Families training conducted by AgriSafe at our Annual Convention was very well-received by our members. The AgriSafe team is a pleasure to work with and this training brought great value to our event and its attendees.

Jessica Cabrera, M.Ed, CPTD, American Farm Bureau Federation

I appreciate the focus on the agriculture population and its unique challenges and needs. Providing this focused understanding makes this course more meaningful to the communities we serve and how best to assist them. I strongly encourage people to take QPR training, you can learn the tools and resources to help those in need!

Venessa Sims, MEP, GA-CEM, Georgia Department of Agriculture