Rural Road Safety: A Shared Responsibility

Summary: Rural roads play an important role in moving people and goods in the U.S., but all too often, crashes occur, and fatalities happen. These fatalities are not just statistics, but are our loved ones and community members, so how do we proactively work to reach zero? In this webinar, we will examine the concept that rural road safety is a shared responsibility, discuss safety culture, and delve into some strategies that can be used to improve safety for all rural road users. You will leave this webinar with actions you as an individual can take to make a difference.

Intended Audience: The attendees for National Farm Safety and Health Week including farmers, rural nurse practitioners, and rural clinicians.

Objectives: At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to….

  • Identify the importance of vision zero for rural areas
  • Recognize effective strategies being used in rural areas
  • Describe how you as an individual can support safety initiatives


Categories: Equipment Safety