Webinar: Zoonoses in a Changing World

Summary: For centuries, zoonotic diseases have impacted humans in many ways. This presentation will focus on vector-borne pathogens by discussing the vectors and trends with geographic distribution, temperature effects, and habitat management since the late 1890s through today and potential future impacts. We are seeing in real time, the expansion of the geographic range ofRead More

QPR for Farmers and Farm Families

What is QPR? QPR training teaches laypeople and professionals to recognize and respond to mental health crises using the approach of Question, Persuade and Refer. To attend this training participants must be 18 years of age or older. In this 1.5-hour QPR training, we will provide: Information on the unique challenges farmers face that canRead More

Conversations on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) Training

Summary: CALM (Conversations on Access to Lethal Means) is a suicide prevention training that encourages the safe storage of lethal means (firearms and medications) during a suicidal crisis. By temporarily putting time and distance between a suicidal person and highly lethal means, a life may be saved. CALM: Counseling on Access to Lethal Means was originally createdRead More